LCD Pharmacy

The preferred Pharmacy partner for

Welcome to LCD Pharmacy

LCD Pharmacy, your trusted partner for all your pharmacy needs. We are committed to providing exceptional care and reliable services to meet the requirements of individuals and facilities alike.

With our dedication to personalized attention and streamlined processes, you can have full confidence and trust in our ability to cater to your specific needs. Choose LCD Pharmacy for a reliable and convenient pharmacy experience that exceeds your expectations.


Long Term and Community Care Pharmacy

This is where you can experience a hassle-free and efficient approach to long-term care...

& consulting

At LCD Pharmacy, we prioritize assisting you in delivering optimal care for...

DischargeMeds Express program

Ensuring a smooth transition from hospital to home is crucial for patient well-being...

CoPay Asistence

We are committed to providing support through CoPay Assistance Programs...

Survey Preparation
and Support

We offer comprehensive survey support services to assist our partnered...

Time-Sensitive Deliveries

Your dedicated medication delivery service ensures that facilities receive the medications...

Choose LCD for a pharmacy experience that goes beyond the ordinary, providing the expertise, technology, and personalized attention your facility deserves.

Our range of services encompasses the following:

What Sets Us Apart

At LCD, we stand out from the rest by offering a unique approach that combines individualized service with cutting-edge technology and unmatched expertise. Here’s what sets us apart:

Customer-centric Focus

We prioritize customer service and understand the distinct needs of each long-term care facility we serve. Our dedicated team takes the time to understand your facility’s requirements, providing personalized solutions tailored to your specific situation. We are available 24/7 to address any questions or concerns promptly.

State-of-the-Art Technology

Our advanced platform enables us to efficiently fill prescriptions with speed and accuracy. It provides real-time information, empowering you to make informed decisions about medication use within your facility.

Unrivaled Expertise

With highly experienced pharmacists and staff experts in various fields, our team possesses unrivaled expertise. We offer superior solutions and support promptly, leveraging our knowledge to provide comprehensive guidance and optimize medication management for better patient outcomes.

Buying Power and Competitive Pricing

We leverage our substantial buying power to offer a full range of medications at highly competitive prices. This allows your facility to optimize costs without compromising on the quality of care.

Exceptional Value

We take pride in our ability to combine individualized service, state-of-the-art technology, and unmatched expertise to deliver exceptional value to our customers. Trust us to be your reliable partner in meeting the unique pharmaceutical needs of your long-term care facility.